My New Cast-Iron Lidded Dish!

Who is Timo Sarpaneva? I know this name because my husband has an eye for design….from furniture to the lidded dish he just surprised me with, and, everything in-between. Sometimes I feel like I am living in the storage area for a museum as everything has to be brought home while we decide if we can’t live without it or it gets sold!

My new piece of cookware..

I have amassed a large collection of cookware which I find hard to be realistic about. I always think it is better to have more than one of everything if given the opportunity. I get this panicky feeling if I pass something up. After all, the very next day it may be the exact pot, pan or dish I needed to complete my culinary masterpiece.. Also I have this fantasy of building a big kitchen with one long harvest table where people come for dinner, in which case I will need lots of equipment?

I cannot wait to try this out!

This week my husband Dave gave me an extremely fabulous cast-iron dish. It was designed by the innovative Grand-Daddy of Finnish design Timo Sarpaneva in the 1960’s. It is two identical shallow dishes that can be used as two separate dishes, or, one can act as a lid. I am determined to try it out as soon as possible.

2 responses to “My New Cast-Iron Lidded Dish!

  1. So where did your husband Dave find this wonderful piece of cookware????? The dinner you cooked in it looked great.

  2. I think he found it while scouring the internet? That dinner was also good fried up for breakfast! Tess x

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