Monthly Archives: May 2014


Okay – it is about time I posted something fresh to enjoy after a nice Spring Dinner. I made this dessert dreaming of drier and sunnier evenings that are hopefully to come. At this point I still feel the chill of winter, and to be honest, I’m getting SICK of it!!

Great Fresh Dessert

Great Fresh Dessert (I think Homemade Desserts have a poetic license which allows them to look like this; a bit messy, but more inviting, don’t you think?)

This dessert is so easy to whip together so is great if you have people over and you want to demonstrate how ingenious you are at pulling a dessert out of your hat on the spot, OR if you are a mango fanaticĀ  – either excuse is a good one to give this a try!


You will need:

2 ripe mangoes, peeled, cored and chunked

2 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream

2 tbs fresh lime juice

1/2 cup sugar


1 – Put the mangoes, sugar and lime juice into a blender or food processor and blend until ultra smooth.

Blend mango, sugar and lime juice

Blend mango, sugar and lime juice

2 – Add 1 cup of the heavy cream and continue to blend until it gets thick and creamy. Taste mixture and if you want to add a little more lime juice or sugar, do so at this time and blend again.

Add cream and blend until somooth, thick and creamy

Add cream and blend until smooth, thick and creamy

3 – Whip the remaining cream (1 1/2 cups) in a bowl until it is thick.

whip cream

whip cream (of course you can use an electric mixer too!)

4 – Pour mango mixture into 6 tall glasses or dessert bowls and top generously with freshly whipped cream.

